Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum is designed to help all young Australians to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens.
The Australian Curriculum is 3 dimensional and recognises the importance of disciplinary knowledge, skills and understanding alongside general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities.
At Peterborough High School we offer a wide range of subjects from across the 8 learning areas of the Australian Curriculum.
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- The Arts
- Technologies
- Health and Physical Education
- Languages
For more information check out the Parent information page: https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/parent-information/
The SACE (Stage 1 & 2)
The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is a modern, internationally-recognised secondary school qualification designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and personal capabilities to successfully participate in our fast-paced global society.
The SACE is a two-stage certificate. Most students study Stage 1 in Year 11 and Stage 2 in Year 12. There are also other ways to complete the SACE, such as by earning credits for individual or community activities such as volunteering and through recognition for other study achievements such as vocational education and training (VET) courses or international education.
Each subject is worth either 10 or 20 credits, depending on the subject. Subjects are worth 10 credits for one semester and 20 credits for a full year.
Students need to gain 200 credits to complete their SACE. Some of the credits will come from compulsory requirements, but most will come from the subjects chosen to suit students’ interests and future goals, or recognition for knowledge and skills gained in life outside school.
There are more than 60 SACE subjects in nine areas of learning, as well as 11 modified subjects that allow students with identified intellectual disabilities to demonstrate learning through a range of experiences. Peterborough High School offers a wide variety of subjects to suit the interests and needs of our students, as well as VET courses delivered onsite and/or other regional sites.

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